Community Highlights: 23rd edition
The 23rd edition of the Home Assistant Community Highlights! Some interesting things popped up around our community, which we thought was worth sharing.
Do you want to share something for the next edition? Information on how to share.
Intern on Home Assistant Energy
Blueprint of the week
This week’s blueprint is all about medication. It may happen that you forget to swallow it, what if you create an automation that sends you a message as a reminder every time? Mati24 has now made a handy blueprint for that, try it out!
Read more about it on the community forum or install this automation in your instance with a click on the My button!
Swiper card
Not enough space on your Lovelace dashboard? Then try the swiper card
Lovelace dashboard
Also this week we have a new Lovelace dashboard for the necessary portion of inspiration 😄
This time the dashboard of DoIGotSkillz
Would you also like your dashboard to be in the community highlight? Drop it on
Recently we had an item about switching entities in Minecraft, well this
time it’s a game again but in 2D. svendroid

Doesn’t this also remind you of the old Pokemon games from the past? 😅
Got a tip for the next edition?
Have you seen (or made) something awesome, interesting, unique, amazing, inspirational, unusual or funny, using Home Assistant?
Click here to send us your Community Highlight suggestion.
Also, don’t forget to share your creations with us via Social Media:
- Tweet it! Be sure to mention @home_assistant
- Share it on our Facebook group
- Post it to our subreddit
- Tag @homeassistant
on Instagram - Or via chat, drop us a line in the #lounge at Discord
See you next edition!