A roadmap for Home Assistant
Art by Clelia Rella
During our State of the Open Home livestream
Over the past few years, we have begun the practice of giving a theme for the direction we wanted to take the Home Assistant project towards each year. Last year, we had the successful Year of the Voice, in which we built our voice assistant architecture from the ground up. And before that, we had “Streamlining Experiences” where we took our first stab at improving the UX.
Having a good set of goals allows us to focus our community and resources to build new projects rapidly together. With the Year of the Voice, we have attracted new contributors who are experts in wake words and voice technologies, translators of many languages, and hobbyists in building impressive one-of-a-kind voice assistants. We want to continue this success by laying out the strategy and direction for the continuous development of the Home Assistant project, and a product roadmap is a perfect tool for such a purpose.
Our roadmap is an open call for contributions in the product areas we are focusing on. Unlike many public roadmaps of commercial products, this is not a marketing ploy to attract customers to buy into nebulous, unrealized future features. It is a tool for our contributors and us, the project maintainers, to plan ahead for our collective future.
For this blog post, I’d like to detail how we came up with the roadmap, what it entails, and how you can build upon it together.
~ Madelena
Read on →AI agents for the smart home

Back in the day, the saying was computers don’t lie. They were deterministic, zeros and ones executing the rules we gave them. With AI, this is the opposite. AI models hallucinate and their output cannot be completely trusted – yet the current hype is to infuse AI into every product imaginable. Home Assistant doesn’t jump on the latest hype, instead we focus on building a lasting and sustainable smart home. We do have thoughts on the subject, so let’s talk about AI in the smart home.
Home Assistant is uniquely positioned to be the smart home platform for AI. As part of our Open Home values
As we have researched AI (more about that below), we concluded that there are currently no AI-powered solutions yet that are worth it. Would you want a summary of your home at the top of your dashboard if it could be wrong, cost you money, or even harm the planet
Instead, we are focussing our efforts on allowing anyone to play with AI in Home Assistant by making it easier to integrate it into existing workflows and run the models locally. To experiment with AI today, the latest release of Home Assistant allows you to connect and control devices with OpenAI or Google AI. For the local AI solutions of the future, we are working with NVIDIA, who have made amazing progress already. This will unleash the power of our community, our collective intelligence, to come up with creative use cases.
Read more about our approach, how you can use AI today, and what the future holds. Or jump straight in and add Google AI, OpenAI to your Home Assistant installation (or Ollama for local AI without the ability to control HA yet).
Huge thanks for contributing: @shulyaka
2024.6: Dipping our toes in the world of AI using LLMs 🤖
Home Assistant Core 2024.6! 🎉
Welcome to another loaded release of Home Assistant! Packed with many exciting new features, this month is most definitely one to remember.
Let’s talk about AI. AI might just as well be the talk of the century. These
so-called LLMs
Now for the big news:
Well, as of today, you can control your home with an AI! 🤖
But there is a lot more to this release. Super simple media player commands, more data table improvements, tag entities, collapsible blueprint sections, and so much more!
I’m personally most excited about the new features in the dashboarding area. Being able to conditionally show sections and cards is definitely a game-changer for my dashboards.
Enjoy the release!
Read on →Companion app for iOS 2024.5: Let me Assist you 🍎
Hey, this is Bruno. It has been a great few months since I joined Nabu Casa to work full-time on the Home Assistant iOS app, again a big thanks to our Home Assistant Cloud subscribers for making this possible. Today, I would like to recap what has been introduced since the last blog post for version 2024.1 and discuss more about how Assist is being integrated into the Apple ecosystem - along with a number of other improvements to the app.
Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players
Today, exactly five years ago, I, Marcel, started working on Music Assistant
Music Assistant is what I’d like to call a “music library manager” – it gives you full control of playing YOUR music on your players. Just like Home Assistant centralizes all your devices and services to work together, Music Assistant does the same with your music sources and smart audio-playing devices.
To just play with Music Assistant without reading what it is (yes, we know you!):
Z-Wave is not dead
Art by Clelia Rella
TL;DR: Z-Wave is alive and well, partly due to a strong community that is building new open-source resources. To thrive well into the future, it must take further steps to open its technology.
Last week, Dominic, Uwe, and I (Paulus) attended the Z-Wave Alliance member meeting in Austin, Texas. It was the first meeting since we became a member and we came with a mission: tell Alliance members about the work done by the open-source community for Z-Wave and find new avenues for collaboration.
Three of us attended, each representing different facets of Z-Wave within the Open Home Foundation: Dominic is the founder and maintainer of Z-Wave JS, which powers the Z-Wave integration in Home Assistant. Uwe leads the development of the Home Assistant Z-Wave stick that we’re working on, and I was there to enable collaborations with other Z-Wave members. Big thanks to Home Assistant Cloud subscribers
A little background on Z-Wave
To use Z-Wave in Home Assistant, our users buy a Z-Wave certified USB stick and combine it with Z-Wave certified devices. Home Assistant then connects to the stick using Z-Wave JS, developed by Dominic, and we’re off to the races. Z-Wave JS was developed completely outside of the Z-Wave Alliance, and is based on the published version of the Z-Wave specification.
Z-Wave wasn’t always this open - Z-Wave used to be owned by a single company, which was later acquired by Silicon Labs. SiLabs decided it was time for change and turned the Z-Wave Alliance into a Standards Development Organization (SDO) that is controlled by its members and a standard that is open.
As it stands, there are still parts of Z-Wave that are not open yet, including the firmware that is running on Z-Wave sticks. I might have mentioned a couple of times, including in my keynote, that we should open up more. It is a good thing to let everyone help fix bugs, improve code quality, and improve diagnostics.
Read on →2024.5: Just a little bit smaller
Home Assistant Core 2024.5! 🎉
The last two releases were massive! With our new drag ’n drop dashboards and the tools to organize your Home Assistant instance, it is hard to top those releases… 😅
So, this release is just a tiny bit smaller than those two, but still epic! 🤘
My personal favorite is the new features added to the data tables, which many of you requested since the last update. But the ability to change the names of the devices shown on the energy dashboard is a close second!
Oh! We’ve held our State of the Open Home 2024 live stream
But more importantly, it launched the Open Home Foundation
Anyway, I will not hold you any longer. Enjoy the release!
Read on →Thinking Bigger: State of the Open Home 2024
We recently held our State of the Open Home 2024 live stream
The stream includes a deep dive into the evolution of Home Assistant and how it has now reached an estimated 1 million installations. There were other substantial updates on voice and hardware, including teasing our upcoming Z-Wave and voice assistant hardware. The first panel discussion featured the founders of Open Home Foundation collaborating projects WLED, Zigbee2MQTT, Rhasspy, and Z-Wave JS. A second panel gave a comprehensive overview of the state of open standards, featuring key open-source developers working on Zigbee, Z-Wave, Matter, and Bluetooth. The stream caps off with a look into the future of the open home, including the announcement of a roadmap full of exciting new features.
2024.4: Organize all the things!
Home Assistant Core 2024.4! 🌱 🌻
Are you ready for another massive release? This release addresses the most requested feature in Home Assistant history: grouping automations! 🎉
But why stop there?
This release brings excellent new features to our user interface that house not one, not two, but three! new ways to organize your Home Assistant setup! The best part is that it is not just for automations, but for everything! 🤯
Perfect timing: spring is here! Time to spring clean your Home Assistant setup by adding some organization to your configuration! 🧹
Enjoy the release! 🌞
Read on →And the winners of our voice assistant community contest are 🥁 ...
2023 was the Year of the Voice. It was a yearly goal to let users control Home Assistant in their own language. We organized a contest to celebrate what our voice assistants could enable with the community. The contest entries have been all amazing, the work produced outstanding. Personally, I learnt so much just reviewing all the entries, I learnt that our community is so creative and relentless. My personal project list grew quite a lot as I want to implement half of the entries at home! Today is the day we announce the winners!
Read on →