
The rachio platform allows you to control your Rachio irrigation system.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:

They will be automatically added if the Rachio integration is loaded.

Getting your Rachio API Key

  1. Log in at https://app.rach.io/.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Click Get API Key.
  4. Copy the API key from the dialog that opens.


In order for Rachio switches and sensors to update, your Home Assistant instance must be accessible from the internet, either via Home Assistant Cloud or another method. See the Remote Access documentation for more information. The smart hose timers use polling and don’t require external access to be setup.


To add the Rachio integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Rachio can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

Water-saving suggestion:
After setting up the integration, change the options to set the duration in minutes to run when activating a zone switch to a maximum failsafe value when using scripts to control zones. If something goes wrong with your script, Home Assistant, or you hit the Rachio API rate limit of 1700 calls per day, the controller will still turn off the zone after this amount of time.

Smart hose timers

The Rachio smart hose timers are not currently capable of receiving real-time updates. Instead, they rely on polling. Because of this, the current state of valves started from a schedule or the physical button will not show up immediately. Polling occurs every 2 minutes when one base station is used, with an additional minute added for every additional base station to remain with the API rate limit. Up to 4 valves can be paired to a single base station.


If you would like to see and control more detailed zone information, create an iFrame that renders the Rachio web app.

    title: Rachio
    url: "https://app.rach.io"
    icon: mdi:sprinkler-variant


The rachio switch platform allows you to toggle zones, valves, and schedules connected to your Rachio irrigation system on and off.

Once configured, a switch will be added for every zone that is enabled on every controller in the account provided, as well as a switch for each smart hose timer valve and a switch to start or stop every schedule on a controller. There will also be a switch to toggle each controller’s standby mode, as well as to activate a 24-hour rain delay on the device.


A calendar entity will be added for each smart hose timer base station on the account, which will show past and future events for all enabled schedules. An upcoming event can be deleted from the calendar, which will trigger a skip of that event.


Action rachio.start_watering

Allows starting one zone on a sprinkler controller, any number of smart hose timer valves, or a schedule. To sequentially start multiple zones on a sprinkler controller, use the start_multiple_zone_schedule action below.

Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Individual zone, schedule, or multiple smart hose timer valves to run. A smart hose timer base station device can also be selected to run all valves on the given base.
duration yes Duration in minutes to run the zone or valves. Leave empty for schedules.


The actions below only apply to sprinkler controllers and will not be shown if only smart hose timers are on the account.

Action rachio.start_multiple_zone_schedule

Allows a list of zones to be passed with a corresponding list of durations to create a custom schedule directly from Home Assistant.


It is not currently possible to have zones from multiple controllers in the same custom schedule.

Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no List of zones to run. Will be run in the order listed.
duration no Duration in minutes to run the zones. If a list of durations is provided, each duration will apply to the corresponding zone listed above. Alternatively, one duration can be provided and will be used for all zones.


#Example script to start multiple zones with individual duration for each zone.
      - action: rachio.start_multiple_zone_schedule
            - switch.front_yard_west
            - switch.front_yard_east
            - switch.side_yard_west
          duration: 20, 15, 10
#Example script to start multiple zones with one duration for all zones.
      - action: rachio.start_multiple_zone_schedule
            - switch.front_yard_west
            - switch.front_yard_east
            - switch.side_yard_west
          duration: 20

Action rachio.set_zone_moisture_percent

Set the zone moisture percentage for a zone or group of zones.

Rachio allows for setting the moisture percentage of a zone or group of zones. As Rachio only uses moisture levels for zones in a Flex Daily schedule, this action is only available when at least one zone is part of a Flex Daily schedule.

Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String, list or group of zones to set moisture percentage.
percent no Integer of the desired moisture percentage. Accepts 0-100.

Action rachio.pause_watering

Pause a currently running schedule.

This action will not be available if only a Generation 1 controller is on the account, as these controllers do not support pause or resume.

Data attribute Optional Description
devices yes Name of the controller(s) to pause. If not given, will pause all running controllers on the account.
duration yes Duration in minutes to pause. Accepts 1-60. Defaults to 60 minutes if not specified.

Action rachio.resume_watering

Resume a currently paused schedule.

This action will not be available if only a Generation 1 controller is on the account, as these controllers do not support pause or resume.

Data attribute Optional Description
devices yes Name of the controller(s) to resume. If not given, will resume all paused controllers on the account.

Action rachio.stop_watering

Stops all currently running schedules.

Data attribute Optional Description
devices yes Name of the controller(s) to stop. If not given, will stop all running controllers on the account.


In this section, you find some real-life examples of how to use this switch.

groups.yaml example

  name: Irrigation
  icon: mdi:water-pump
  view: true
  - group.zones_front
  - group.zones_back
  - switch.side_yard
  - switch.every_day_6am

  name: Front Yard
  view: false
  - switch.front_bushes
  - switch.front_yard

  name: Back Yard
  view: false
  - switch.back_garden
  - switch.back_porch