Genius Hub

The geniushub integration links Home Assistant with your Genius Hub CH/DHW system, including its zones, devices, and issues.

It uses the geniushub client library, which provides data compatible with the v1 API that may not exactly match that of the official Web App.


Each zone controlled by your Genius Hub will be exposed as either a:

  • Climate entity, for Radiator and Wet Underfloor zones, and
  • Water heater entity, for Hot Water Temperature zones and
  • Switch entity, for On/Off zones

Group zones are not supported.

Currently, there is no support for altering zone schedules, although entities can be switched to/from geniushub modes that utilize schedules.

There are limitations due to the differences between the Genius Hub and Home Assistant schemas (for example, Home Assistant has no Footprint mode) - use the actions below, for this functionality.

Action handlers

Home Assistant is obligated to place restrictions upon integrations such as geniushub to maintain compatibility with other ecosystems (e.g., Google Home) and so not all of the geniushub functionality is available via the web UI. Some of this missing functionality is exposed via integration-specific actions:

  • set_switch_override: change the switches on time for a specified duration (up to 24h),
  • set_zone_override: change the zone’s setpoint for a specified duration (up to 24h), and
  • set_zone_mode: change the zone’s mode to one of off, timer or (if supported by the zone) footprint

Climate and water heater entities

Climate and water heater entities will report their current temperature, setpoint and mode; other properties (e.g., occupied state) are available via their state attributes (see examples below). The Genius Hub mode will be reported as/set to:

GH mode HA Operation HA Preset
Off Off N/A
Timer Heat None
Override Heat Boost
Footprint Heat Activity

Footprint mode is only available to Radiator zones that have room sensors.

Switch entities

Switch entities will report back their state; other properties are available via their state attributes. Currently, HA switches do not have modes/presets, so the Home Assistant state will be reported as:

  • On for Override \ On, and
  • Off otherwise (NB: the zone could still be ‘on’, e.g., with Timer mode)

Note: if you turn a Switch entity Off via Home Assistant’s web UI, it will revert to Timer mode - this may not be the behavior you are expecting.

Individual smart plugs are not yet exposed as switches - you can create one zone per smart plug as a work-around.


Each device controlled by your Genius Hub will be exposed as either a:

  • Sensor entity with a % battery, for any Device with a battery (e.g., a Genius Valve), or
  • Binary sensor entity with on/off state for any Device that is a switch (e.g., Smart Plugs, DCRs)

Such entities will report back their primary state and assigned_zone. If the Hub is directly polled using Option 1 (see below), then some additional state attributes such as last_comms (last communications time) are also available.


There are three Sensor entities that will indicate the number of Errors, Warnings and Information issues.

Each such entity has a state attribute that will contain a list of any such issues which can be used in automations, etc. For example:

- alias: "GeniusHub Error Alerts"
    - trigger: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.geniushub_errors
      above: 0
    - action: notify.pushbullet_notifier
        title: "Genius Hub has errors"
        message: >-
          Genius Hub has the following {{ states('sensor.geniushub_errors') }} errors:
          {{ state_attr('sensor.geniushub_errors', 'error_list') }}

This alert may be useful to see if the CH is being turned on whilst you’re on a holiday!

- alias: "GeniusHub CH State Change Alert"
    - trigger: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.dual_channel_receiver_2_1
    - action: notify.pushbullet_notifier
        title: "Warning: CH State Change!"
        message: >-
          {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} has changed
          from {{ trigger.from_state.state }} to {{ trigger.to_state.state }}.

State attributes

Many zone/device properties are available via the corresponding entity’s state attributes. For example, in the case of Radiator-derived Climate entities (note ‘status’):

  "status": {
    "type": "radiator",
    "mode": "off",
    "temperature": 19,
    "occupied": False,
    "override": {
      "duration": 0,
      "setpoint": 16

… and for Genius Valve-derived Sensor entities (note ‘state’):

  "state": {
    "set_temperature": 4.0,
    "measured_temperature": 20.030000686645508,
    "setback": 3.5,
    "wakeup_interval": 450

This data can be accessed in automations, etc. via a value template. For example:

value_template: "{{ state_attr('water_heater.genius_zone_2', 'status').override.setpoint }}"

In the specific case of Radiator zones with room sensors:

value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.genius_zone_12', 'status').occupied }}"


To set up this integration, add one of the following to yourconfiguration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more]on.yaml`” %} file.

If required, you can switch between one Option and the other and, as the unique_id remains consistent, state history will be preserved. This assumes that the correct MAC address is provided for Option 2, below. If a wrong MAC address was provided for Option 1, then the MAC address can be overridden for Option 1 to maintain these links within the entity registry.

Option 1: hub hostname/address with user credentials

This is the recommended option.

  • Requires your username & password, as used with
  • Uses the v3 API - unofficial, but there are additional features (e.g., battery levels).
  • Polls the hub directly (so is faster, say ~1s response time).
  • You have the option of specifying a MAC address (not recommended, see above).

The hub does not have to be in the same subnet as your Home Assistant instance.

Option 2: hub token only

This option is recommended only if Option 1 does not work. The MAC address should match that written on the back of the Hub.

  • Requires a hub token obtained from
  • Uses the v1 API - which is well-documented.
  • Polls Heat Genius’ own servers (so is slower, say ~5-10s response time).
  • You should use the Hub’s MAC address (although any valid MAC will do).
# Example configuration.yaml entry, using a Hub Token
# Example configuration.yaml entry, directly polling the Hub
  host: IP_ADDRESS

Configuration Variables

token string Required

The Hub Token of the Genius Hub.

mac string (Optional)

The MAC address of the Hub’s ethernet port.

host string Required

The hostname/IP address of the Genius Hub.

username string (Optional)

Your Genius Hub username.

password string (Optional)

Your Genius Hub password.

Note: username and password are only required when host is used (instead of token).

Note: mac is required if token is used (instead of host) and is optional otherwise.