Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer
Before you can add Azure Data Explorer to Home Assistant, you need to set up an Azure account, create a Service Principal, create a cluster, and add a database.
Creating a free Azure account
Create a free Azure account
Creating a Service Principal (App registration)
For Home Assistant to authenticate with Azure Data Explorer, it needs a Service Principal.
- To create a Service Principal, follow the guide on Creating Microsoft Entra application registration
, steps 1-7. - Copy values for later use:
- Application (client) ID: From App registration overview
- Directory (tenant) ID: From App registration overview
- Secret value: From when the secret was created in step 1.7
Creating a Free Azure Data Explorer cluster and database
There are two ways of creating an Azure Data Explorer Cluster: Pay as you go (PAYG) or Free.
To create a paid cluster, follow the instructions from the Microsoft Quickstart Guide
There are a few differences between the PAYG and Free versions:
Feature | PAYG cluster | Free cluster |
Ingestion | Streaming and queueing | Queueing only (for now) |
Cluster size | Fully scalable | 4 vCPU, 8 GB Memory, ~100 GB data |
- Go to
. - Go to My Cluster.
- Select Create Cluster.
- Name the cluster and database.
- Copy the database name for later use.
- Check the Terms and Conditions (after reading them) and select Create Cluster.
- Within a minute, you will have an Azure Data Explorer cluster ready.
- After the database has been created, copy the Data ingestion URI from the top of the page.
Creating an Azure data table
- Go to
. - Go to Query.
- Write and perform the following statements one by one, replacing the placeholder content between the <> with the copied values (including the brackets).
This is an example with a free cluster for reference:
To add the Azure Data Explorer integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:
Manual configuration steps
If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:
Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
In the bottom right corner, select the
Add Integration button. -
From the list, select Azure Data Explorer.
Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.
If using a free cluster, check the Use Queueing client in the form.
After the flow has been completed, Home Assistant sends data to Azure Data Explorer.
By default, Home Assistant buffers for 5 seconds before sending, and the Batching Policy in Azure Data Explorer will further batch up for default.
Optionally, add the following lines to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file for filtering data ingested into Azure Data Explorer:
Configuration Variables
Filter domains and entities for Data Explorer. (Configure Filter)
Includes all entities from all domains
Include all entities matching a listed pattern (e.g., sensor.weather_*
Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern (e.g., sensor.weather_*
Not filtering domains or entities will send every event to Azure Data Explorer.
Configuring a filter
By default, no entity will be excluded. To limit which entities are being exposed to Azure Data Explorer
, you can use the filter
Filters are applied as follows:
- No includes or excludes - pass all entities.
- Includes, no excludes - only include specified entities.
- Excludes, no includes - only exclude specified entities.
- Both includes and excludes:
- Include domain and/or glob patterns specified:
- If the domain is included, and the entity is not excluded or matches the exclude glob pattern, pass.
- If the entity matches include glob pattern, and the entity does not match any exclude criteria (domain, glob pattern, or listed), pass.
- If the domain is not included, the glob pattern does not match, and the entity not included, fail.
- Exclude domain and/or glob patterns specified and include does not list domains or glob patterns
- If the domain is excluded and the entity is not included, fail.
- If the entity matches an exclude glob pattern and the entity is not included, fail.
- If the entity does not match any exclude criteria (domain, glob pattern, or listed), pass.
- Neither include or exclude specifies domains or glob patterns
- If the entity is included, pass (as #2 above).
- If the entity matches both an include and an exclude pattern, the entity exclude is ignored.
- Include domain and/or glob patterns specified:
Using Azure Data Explorer
Once the setup is complete, data is being sent to Azure Data Explorer, and you can start exploring your data. Here are some resources to help you learn how to use Azure Data Explorer: